Friday, February 10, 2012

Innocence by Honore de Balzac

Innocence by Honore de Balzac
Rewitten by  Nihar Apte
The greatest creations of man are all around us. Our public sculptures of famous people, the huge monuments with the finest skills of sculpting, carving and architecture, the massive paintings kept in humungous art galleries, the music created by the finest composers ever and even work of literature. What? What did you just say, Children? Not at all! Have you seen the children of the 21st century? The most cunning, smart, and intelligent creatures alive.
Understand me properly when I say children, I mean children below the age of ten. The very instant the child is born, he knows his parents’ names is even able to say these two words out loud whenever he needs help from his parents. After a few days when the child gets home with his mother and his father, he sees the various gadgets like the T.V., the refrigerator, the microwave oven and even the most complex gadgets like the iPad, the latest Android phone, and a laptop. Give the child a week and a half and he would have learnt to use each and every gadget better than his parents just a day before he learns to walk. Two years later when he has mastered his mother tongue and the English language with complete proficiency, he watches T.V. with his parents and goes to school where he learns new slangs. These slangs are modified and messed around with to such an extent that he uses slangs which shock his parents to a large extent. By the time he turns 7 or 8, he is capable enough of going to the market and buy supplies for the house. He is so capable the he even manages to get into a fight with the shop keeper arguing a reasonable price out. He manages to get himself a good bargain at ever shop he goes.
Two such kids are Frank and Susan. They were around 8 years old. Their grandmother had just got back from the USA. She had purchased one of the most beautiful paintings man had ever painted. It was a painting of Adam and Eve. She put the painting up in her room next to her dressing table and asked the children if they wanted to see who the parents of mankind were. They immediately looked at each other and asked if it was the ancient apes? Their grandmother said no and took them to her room and showed them the painting. It was a painting of Adam and Eve standing nude in the forest along with other animals and birds. Frank looked at Susan and asked her which of the two was Adam? She told him to look at their genitals, the one with the penis was Adam and the one with a penis was Eve. The grandmother was shocked at their reaction. She thought to herself that when she was a kid, she didn’t even know who Adam and Eve were and nor did she know about genitals. Children are definitely not the best creation of man. To see the best creation of man, you will have to travel to several countries and go to countless number of art galleries cause where the beauty of mans aesthetics lie.  

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