Prior to the trip, I expected to reach Agra peacefully and just enjoy the immaculate structure.Who knew the lords above had something else in store for me!With every pit stop we made and we made many as my bladder chose to have be difficult that day, we were surrounded by typical Bengali speaking folk. One would think that since I belong to the same land, this constant encounter would excite me and evoke some sense of pride in me.On the contrary, I wanted to run to the nearest railway station and jump in front of it!In a matter of two hours, I had seen them spit, scream and shower oodles of love to their only son,making the scene absolutely nauseating.
"baaabuu,khethe aisho";"Aamar shona moni, ektu khao";"Mishti chele...." Phrases that can only make my head and stomach churn!
Once I reached Agra I thought I had escaped their company.On the contrary, with every step I took to appreciate the Mughal architecture, I had a million Bengali families hovering around me,eating their pan and embarrassing the land that was once famous for producing the "intelligentsia".
"How could the land appreciated for its culture ,produce unruly folk like this?";"If my family did not interact with the outside world as much as they did, would we have been the folk I was criticizing?"-while I sound very snooty with this opinion of mine I could not help but feel it.Was my upbringing a reason for this?In some ways, I am glad because I would not want to be despised!This annoyance was not limited to the "snooty" fifteen year old, but it was the opinion of every person around us.
Whether I understand the beautiful Taj Mahal or the Agra Fort,I cannot say.However I do know that, I would never want to be described as a loud Bengali!
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